Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Beautiful Blogging-by-Mail Bounty

As I've said before in my little blog, life is *never* boring for a food blogger. This month, the fun factor was taken up a notch by the dispenser of happiness herself, Stephanie at the The Happiness Sorceress, with the Blogging by Mail Holiday Edition!

I can't begin to tell you how excited I was to pick up my box (! Yes, a box!) from the USA. I collected it from the post office on my last day at work before the holidays, and although I had great intentions to wait until I got home to my proper camera to open it, the excitement was too much. My colleagues were slightly bemused by the concept and were soon sharing the joy (and hiding any customs documentation that might give the contents away). The parcel came from Jen Stewart in Melrose, Massachusetts:

And what fab parcel it was!

Thank you very much Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cookies were the first to go. :-D

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